[concept] ‘A Lucky Charm for Both You and Earth’ is a zine that brings to light the numerous benefits of white clover, placing emphasis on its ability to reduce greenhouse gases. This zine speaks to the 18-30-year-old demographic who may not use their backyards often, suggesting they could instead use the area to better the environment like passive income for the planet! It educates people on white clovers as a much more sustainable alternative to traditional grass with the aim to disassociate clovers from being considered weeds and provides simple steps for planting a clover lawn. The zine is brought together through a unique mark-making style using real clovers to inspire change in a warm-hearted and friendly approach.
[type] zine, poster, illustration
[material] mark-making, ribbed paper
[tool] indesign, illustrator, procreate app, photoshop
[concept] ‘A Lucky Charm for Both You and Earth’ is a zine that brings to light the numerous benefits of white clover, placing emphasis on its ability to reduce greenhouse gases. This zine speaks to the 18-30-year-old demographic who may not use their backyards often, suggesting they could instead use the area to better the environment like passive income for the planet! It educates people on white clovers as a much more sustainable alternative to traditional grass with the aim to disassociate clovers from being considered weeds and provides simple steps for planting a clover lawn. The zine is brought together through a unique mark-making style using real clovers to inspire change in a warm-hearted and friendly approach.
[type] zine, poster, illustration
[material] mark-making, ribbed paper
[tool] indesign, illustrator, procreate app, photoshop
[concept] ‘A Lucky Charm for Both You and Earth’ is a zine that brings to light the numerous benefits of white clover, placing emphasis on its ability to reduce greenhouse gases. This zine speaks to the 18-30-year-old demographic who may not use their backyards often, suggesting they could instead use the area to better the environment like passive income for the planet! It educates people on white clovers as a much more sustainable alternative to traditional grass with the aim to disassociate clovers from being considered weeds and provides simple steps for planting a clover lawn. The zine is brought together through a unique mark-making style using real clovers to inspire change in a warm-hearted and friendly approach.
[type] zine, poster, illustration
[material] mark-making, ribbed paper
[tool] indesign, illustrator, procreate app, photoshop
[concept] ‘A Lucky Charm for Both You and Earth’ is a zine that brings to light the numerous benefits of white clover, placing emphasis on its ability to reduce greenhouse gases. This zine speaks to the 18-30-year-old demographic who may not use their backyards often, suggesting they could instead use the area to better the environment like passive income for the planet! It educates people on white clovers as a much more sustainable alternative to traditional grass with the aim to disassociate clovers from being considered weeds and provides simple steps for planting a clover lawn. The zine is brought together through a unique mark-making style using real clovers to inspire change in a warm-hearted and friendly approach.
[type] zine, poster, illustration
[material] mark-making, ribbed paper
[tool] indesign, illustrator, procreate app, photoshop